Join Rabbi Ari Perl for a fascinating and uplifting Shabbat, followed by his appearance at the Tisha B'Av Program.

Friday, Aug. 9:

6:30 pm (Mincha at 7;00pm): 
Asara Harugei Malchut: Where Martydom & Euthanasia Collide 

Saturday, Aug. 10:

Devar Torah before laining: 
Looking Past the Past 

After kiddush (Approx 11:20am): 
Heroism or Homicide? Jewish Perspectives on Organ Donation  

5:15pm (Mincha at 6:15 pm)
Bridging the Tablets: The Spiritual Journey of "Nechama" 

9:37pm ​(Maariv at 9:30pm)
Introduction to Eicha
following Eicha: brief introductions to the kinnot 


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