Sponsored by Ariella and Jules Samson in honour of Eliana Samson’s Bat Mitzvah
Please join us Shabbat April 29 as we welcome Dr Aaron Koller and Shira-Hecht Koller

At Or Chaim Minyan (159 Almore Ave.) 
Shabbat morning parasha shiur 7:45 am
On the Role of the שעיר לעזאזל: Rambam vs. Ramban, and the Modern Significance
Dr. Aaron Koller

Post-kiddush shiur (approx 11:15)
Bar Kokhba: Rebel, Messiah, Failure, Hero
Dr. Aaron Koller

Pre-מנחה shiur, 6:45pm 
Thresholds and Threshing Floors: Elisha ben Abuya and the Book of Ruth
Shira Hecht-Koller

Seudah Shlesheet:
21st Century Jewish Education: A Report from the Field
Shira Hecht-Koller and Dr. Aaron Koller

Shabbat Morning at the Mizrachi-Bayit (296 Wilson Ave.)
Sanctity in and out of the Miqdash
Shira Hecht-Koller

5:30pm at Clanton Park Synagogue (for women)
Biblical Creation in an Age of Science: What the Garden of Eden means in the Modern Age
Dr. Aaron Koller

Featured speakers

(Click on a speaker to see their other classes.)