Team Member David

When Ilana made a phone call into a Toronto musical instrument store in 2005 to inquire if any of the staff members had the expertise and time to consider helping with some growing sound technician and AV requirements for an increasing number of live Torah in Motion programs, neither she nor David Callender who took on the task knew that it was the beginning of a working relationship that would continue through 2 decades. Technology would advance and what was once a collection of several dozen audio cassette tapes from TiM's Jewish conferences and programs would eventually be converted to CD's and then in later years be converted again to mp3 to be stored with hundreds of other TiM programs professionally recorded by David on digital devices and edited on computers. The Torah in Motion archive of what is now contains thousands of digital mp3 recordings is meticulously managed by David  and as TiM is now a leader in modern video conferencing, David's duties now include the editing of the video from Zoom meetings and posting these on the TiM website and Youtube along with the audio files.